Source: Bajaj Electricals

5 Best Mixer Grinder in India Under Rs 2500 – 3500 for 2024

Each household needs to have a good mixer grinder. When it comes to this kitchen device, you should pay attention to persistence and of course, on a secure working system. That’s why the best choice is to have a good premium Mixer Grinder. We made a list of the top 5 devices that you can find in India under Rs 2500 – 3500. We hope that you will find something suitable for your household. Have a look.

1. Bajaj 750 W Mixer Grinder (Rs. 3 091)

Source: Flipkart

This classic model is made of stainless steel. It has the power of 750 W and ABS body. If you choose this device, you will have 2 years warranty on the product and 5 years on motor. It can work for Grating, Wet Grinding, Mincing, Chutney, and Dry Grinding.

2. Preethi Platinum Select MG226 Mixer Grinder (Rs. 3 299)

Source: Menhavestyle1

It’s suitable for Dry, Chutney, and Wet Grinding. Same like the model before, this one also has the power of 750 W, and it’s also made from stainless steel. It’s important to mention that with this device you will also get a juicer and a blender, which is useful.

3. Butterfly Thunder Mixer Grinder (Rs. 3 199)

(Best option)

Source: Flipkart

This model is also a juicer and a blender. It comes with a PC juicer jar. Except for the ABS Body, the jars of this device are made from stainless steel. The power is 750 W, and a warranty is for 2 years. You can use it for Chutney, Wet and Dry Grinding.

4. Havells Rigo 500 Mixer Grinder (Rs. 3 490)

Source: Apnidukaan

Unlike the other models, this one has the power of 500W. It’s made for Chutney, Wet and, Dry Grinding. You can also use it as a juicer and blender, which is a plus. It has PC juicer jar and ABS Body, and it’s also made from stainless steel. It comes with a two – year warranty.

5. Preethi MG – 142 Mixer Grinder (Rs. 2 390)

Source: shopee

This device is also made from stainless stain, and the body is ABS. The power is 500 W, and it can be suitable for Wet Grinding and Liquidizing. It has 2 years warranty and 5 years on motor, which is convenient.

About Zara.Man

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