Tag Archives: ROI

10 Reasons Your Business Needs Marketing Automation

In order to improve (online) marketing and PR activities of your business, it is necessary to meet several prerequisites that affect the problem of many companies in defining and implementing the process of marketing and public relations. When we speak about marketing automation, some may think of robots that come …

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Top 10 Digital Marketing Stats You Should Know About in 2024

Digital marketing has emerged as the most powerful form of marketing in the post-pandemic era. With the internet into a business entry to operate and for consumers to buy, traditional marketing has taken back seats. As a result, brands rely on their digital strategies as before. According to the latest …

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Optimizing Google Ads for the Best Return on Investment in 2024

Google Ads is arguably the most powerful advertising platform in the world. You can put your product, service, and brand in front of specific audiences when searching for terms related to your business. Google has access to so much data that the ads get more powerful by the day. However, …

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