Tag Archives: business

Improving Business Agility with Scalable IT

In today’s fast-paced business environment, agility is key to staying competitive and responsive to market demands. Business agility refers to the ability of an organisation to rapidly adapt to market changes and customer demands in a productive and cost-effective manner. One of the most critical enablers of business agility is …

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What are the Three Major Services Provided by Cloud Services Providers?

Now more than ever, an increasingly growing number of businesses are embracing the cloud computing revolution. The cloud has been greatly evolving over the past few decades, and now delivers diverse value-added functionalities, which are known to streamline and optimize how business organizations carry out their core business functions. In …

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Latest Tech Trends for Businesses to Use in 2024

Now more than ever, businesses are making every effort to stay afloat and keep trading as usual. As technology advances and we adapt to new ways of working, business strategies will be set to change. So, it would be useful to know the latest tech trends to implement in your …

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What is a Hybrid Event: Different Approaches to It

There’s no doubt that the event planning industry has changed drastically. One significant change is how to hold successful events in today’s climate: hybrid events. A hybrid event is an in-person and virtual combination of two or more events. It allows attendees to choose where they want to be: in …

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Is a 4-Day Work Week Really A Good Move for Companies?

In 2018, the Trades Union Congress of the UK proposed a four-day work week with the same pay, campaigning for a better work-life balance for everyone. What is a 4-Day Work Week? A normal employee works for a company for more or less forty (40) hours a week, eight (8) …

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Proxy vs VPN And How to Know What Will Protect My Business

Both VPNs and Proxies offer a higher level of privacy than what you probably have now.  You will have access to the internet anonymously by hiding your IP but they are carried out quite differently. A proxy serves as a gateway and is ideal for basic functions such as anonymous …

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4 Effective Strategies to Improve Your Recruitment Process

The recruitment process is not an easy task for any company or any HR department. But it’s more than necessary. One of the ways to constantly improve the results of your products or services is to have new and better employees. Sometimes, even if your company operates on a good …

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4 Signs Your Digital Marketing Strategy is Probably Outdated

Owning your own business means taking care of almost all of the important stuff yourself. What is more, you get to make the final decision on everything, whether it is something big and important or seemingly small or insignificant. If it is in some way, shape, or form connected to …

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10 Reasons Your Business Needs Marketing Automation

In order to improve (online) marketing and PR activities of your business, it is necessary to meet several prerequisites that affect the problem of many companies in defining and implementing the process of marketing and public relations. When we speak about marketing automation, some may think of robots that come …

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Top 6 Business Tech Mistakes you Need to Avoid in 2024

Having a continuity program in place is absolutely no guarantee that your business will survive any kind of incident. If you cut corners or if you miss out on any important steps, then this will make your program very ineffective. If you want to stop this from happening, then this …

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