
How Technology Can Help Improve Business Practices

Whether you are selling water on your local high-street or hand painted table tennis balls online, there is one thing every company will have in common, the people running it will want to improve their business practices. With so much competition in the digital age, the fact is, if you …

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How To Protect Yourself From Scams In 2024

In recent years, internet scams and online frauds have become international disasters, with millions of people each year reporting to have been scammed. With the advancement in technology, it’s even become worse to deal with scammers and cons who are constantly taking advantage of the technology to change their techniques …

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New Vs. Used Laptops: 5 Things You Need to Know

In the current age owning a computer has become a necessity. They allow us to communicate with faraway relatives, do work, indulge in hobbies, help us study, and fulfill plenty of other functions due to their versatile nature. Among personal computers laptops have a special spot due to their extra …

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7 Best SSDs For Video Editing 2024 – Review and Buying Guide

Introduction Video editing is a field where things such as lag and buffer play a huge negative role. The main cause for this is a computer with outdated /insufficient technical speculations. So it is very important to avoid such delays which can impact the total output of your work by …

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9 Important Thing You Need To Do When Your Laptop Is Overheating

Let’s be honest – it doesn’t take a lot for a laptop to overheat. They’re tiny, portable machines that can get pretty hot, pretty fast and there’s not a lot you can do about it… Or is it? Of course, there is. Laptops are small and they don’t come with …

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What’s the Difference Between Shared and Dedicated Servers

As a website owner, one has many things to think about and many things to consider. One of the most important things is the appearance of the website, and determining what and how you will achieve both represent what your business or services are all about and lure people to …

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What Is Employee Onboarding Software And Its Benefits? 

The advantages of a coordinated new employee onboarding measure are anything but a secret. The significance of having a viable onboarding process to invite your newly added team members can never be exaggerated. This is a worker’s first glance at your organization’s way of life and practices. Giving a remarkable …

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What Is KVM VPS And Its Benefits – 2024 Guide

Computers. We thought we were so advanced once those came around. We were. We are today. Later came the internet. Wasn’t theta a true revolution? It was. A technological one. When we combined the two we got ourselves a new era. The one we’re living at the moment. It brought …

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4 Signs Your Business Needs Professional IT Support

When you started your company, or your business, you must have faced a technological problem one time or another. Most of these times you must’ve fixed these problems by yourself, or hire staff that fix these issues for you. However, you must ask yourself – is this the right thing …

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10 Tips For Choosing The Right File Sharing Software

In the previous years, sharing files involved a laborious and fussy process that didn’t guarantee full access and data integrity to the other user. In the workplace, where file sharing is imperative, employees will have to either burn the file contents to physical storage drives or send these via courier. …

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