Best Approaches To Apply AI In Digital Marketing

Lately, diverse organizations are implementing AI-based tools to facilitate their operations. We shall figure out how AI techniques can simplify the key functions of content marketers. Here are the key methods of application.

Website design

It’s pretty impossible to build an effective marketing strategy, unless the design of the platform is actually impressive. AI technologies serve to assist with creating decent web and mobile solutions that are capable of bringing and retaining as many users as possible.

Source: singlegrain

Creation of content

Artificial intelligence represents an effective instrument to create content. Nowadays, online surfing could be successfully delegated to AI-based bots. When marketers provide certain details on targeted customers, AI mechanisms find the most topical themes to capture the attention of people, and elaborate good text.

Customization of content

For a resource to succeed, its clients shall be targeted appropriately. Customers’ personalization helps in this regard.

To achieve the desired, data on the online behavior of site visitors must be gathered for AI technologies to analyze the audience’s preferences. Then, deep learning is applied to determine the possible actions of people, both online and offline. As a result, marketers understand what content will be the most personalized for specific clients. The Agilie team is broadly applying such an approach to attract a wider audience and offer them what they need.

Content optimizing

AI mechanisms could also be used to optimize the content. AI tools can glean the most relevant keywords, determine the most frequently visited pages, define working marketing strategies, and the like.

Application of chatbots

Marketers also need to take care of online communication with clients, and, in the best-case scenario, it shall be 24/7. Thus, AI-based chatbots are right at your service to establish that contact. Those means are to improve users’ engagement since they answer visitors’ questions around the clock.

Creation of ad

Advertising is an inseparable part of any kind of business. Ads are widely applied to promote a particular product and a company that produces it. AI-powered solutions serve to test multiple advertising platforms, as well as to optimize the targeting.

Email management

Digital marketing strategy shall also include emailing newsletters handling which is rather time & labor-intensive. Artificial intelligence is the one to help out and streamline the process. AI technologies can send out deeply personalized content.

Customers’ mood monitoring

Even big teams aren’t able to process everything clients publish on social media and blogs since it’s actually humanly impossible. Thus, AI programs are to determine the moods of people to figure out their attitude to the given brand.

Source: koreabizwire

Striking examples of marketing automation software

We’d like to describe the brightest cases when well-known market giants have taken advantage of automatization tools as part of their digital marketing strategy. Here are the best examples.

# Google

Definitely, the mentioned system gladly benefits from AI technologies. Did you know that every year this corporation invests billions of dollars in the development of artificial intelligence? Google is proud of its computer vision and voice-assistant mechanisms that are considered to be the greatest solutions available on the market these days. Furthermore, Google Analytics is a great AI-based framework that offers multiple impressive tools, say, the possibility to divide the targeted public into areas, extract psychgraphical data, and more.

# Amazon

The given platform implements AI-powered instruments into all Amazon’s resources. This market leader offers its AI Labs dealing with personalization, computer vision tools, predictive analysis, etc. AI means has helped Amazon to come up with a successful suggestion system that generates over 36% of all Amazon sales, as McKinsey claims.

# Facebook

Not everyone knows that this social media has its own Facebook AI Research Lab. Advertising represents the key stream of income for FB, that’s why FAIR is primarily aimed at enhancing such a significant monetizing channel. For instance, the users have a chance to get rid of certain ads they aren’t curious about or which they simply dislike. Additionally, this social network takes advantage of AI tools to detect resources that offer poor content, so links to those sites are getting hidden, and they’re not shown in the news feeds.

# Netflix

Such an online video program is also happy to enjoy artificial-intelligence instruments to strengthen its digital marketing performance. Their objective is to provide users with the great personalized video content in accordance with the audience’s preferences. And, it works perfectly since the crowd is truly satisfied with what Netflix recommends.

# Macy’s

The US retail chain in question which, by the by, is considered to be one of the largest stores in the country, has created a personalized vertual assistant to help the clients. The solution manages to advise successfully, cos it keeps track of customers’ previous purchases to offer people personalized suggestions.

# YouTube

Here is the case similar to Netflix. YouTube also provides the audience with personalized advice thanks to data obtained from AI mechanisms. It’s a true win-win situation.

# Millesima

Being a renowned wine trading corporation, Millesima has managed to implement efficacious suggestion tools. Such AI-powered techniques analyze clients’ purchasing history, people’s geographical location, the season of the year, etc. Thus, the company happily provides its audience with the wine people are seeking.

Source: koreabizwire

Issues you might face while implementing AI technologies

The adoption of AI-based solutions is a responsible thing which enforces a particular business to redefine its marketing plan. Those mandatory changes are the reasons why most organizations decide to postpone AI introduction.

In the majority of cases, marketers and entrepreneurs see the below points as key obstacles to artificial intelligence implementation:

  • 67% of businessmen confess they have no idea how to start the process of adopting AI marketing instruments;
  • 61% of interviewees doubt that they’ll manage to find a relevant service to introduce AI into their marketing strategy;
  • 64% of entrepreneurs claim their staff members are lacking specified technical skills required for AI implementation;
  • 66% of respondents believe that machine learning and AI mechanisms aren’t adaptable enough to be seamlessly integrated into the workflow of their businesses;
  • 63% of interviewees aren’t really sure that AI-powered bots are actually able to assist marketers to perform their duties.

Nevertheless, those challenges enumerated above shall not prevent you from applying artificial intelligence technologies in innovation and marketing strategies. AI techniques are to optimize business processes and, therefore, rise a company’s income. For these reasons, it’s obligatory to adjust to top-notch technologies, and understand how to adopt advanced developments.

Tomorrow belongs to AI-based content marketing automatization, still, a humane approach is required to ensure the success of each campaign.

About Lola Mays

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