
Top 6 Business Tech Mistakes you Need to Avoid in 2024

Having a continuity program in place is absolutely no guarantee that your business will survive any kind of incident. If you cut corners or if you miss out on any important steps, then this will make your program very ineffective. If you want to stop this from happening, then this guide will tell you everything you need to know.


1. Evading Branding Continuity

If your branding is one style when it comes to your Facebook and Twitter page, but in your emails, it is completely different then this will confuse your customers and it will make it much harder for you to stay on top of everything. If you want to get around this then you need to make sure that you have a good level of continuity.

2. Not Managing your Tech Risk

Managing risk is a very normal part of doing business. If you want to help yourself, then you have to make sure that you understand the risks that your business faces. You also need to have a good level of understanding about the vulnerabilities of your organization and you also need to try and make an effort to think about the future. If you are worried about flooding for example, then it’s worth taking the time to find out how you could negate this risk while also finding out if there is anything that you can do to decrease the probability of disruption.

If you want to manage risk with the tech side of your business, companies such as SysAid as a prime example can manage the risk and mitigate the potential of data and tech breaches as well as maintaining open lines of communications.


3. Trying to Manage all of your Tech Channels yourself

If you are the leader of your company then you have to know that you are the one who is going to be steering the ship to success. This ultimately means that you cannot be the one shoveling coal and you won’t be able to repair the engine or even cook the meals for the folks who are coming on the journey with you.

In other words, don’t try and manage your social media page, client emails, incoming sales, invoicing software or anything else yourself. Hire a social media manager, a customer service expert and someone who can oversee everything on your behalf, so you can concentrate on the more important details.

4. Ineffective Online Communication

Communication really does have to go both ways. If you are always handing out orders or directives but you are not listening to your staff, then this will really work against you. You have to make sure that you are taking on board what they have to say, and you also need to make sure that you work by their side as well. If you do this then you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to give them the support they need and that you can also really boost your profit as a result.

Listen to your team and also make sure that you never shut them off when they are trying to tell you something. It’s very easy to ignore emails and chat messages when you are busy, but if you do then you will be locking down communication when you just don’t need to.

Source: allconnect

5. Not Hiring the Right Tech Professionals

You never know when you are going to experience a hardware problem or a software glitch, so you need to make sure that you hire the right professionals to work by your side. You need someone who can come to your aid if your systems go down and you also need someone who can keep your software updated as well. If you hire someone with less experience just because they are cheaper then this will go on to impact you in the future. You may find that you end up struggling to get the repairs you need, and that jobs also take way longer than they need to.

This can be frustrating to say the least, but if you spend a little more and hire the right professionals from the get-go then this will work in your favor and it will make it much easier for you to run the other aspects of your business more efficiently.

6. Not investing in New Tech

New tech hits the market every single week. You have to make sure that you are always putting money back into your business and tech is the best area for you to invest in. When you do, you will soon find that things become even easier over time and that you become way more efficient too. If you always invest in new tech then you may also find that you can provide better customer service and that your team can work more productively.

This can all have a very long-lasting impact on your company and you would be surprised at how much this could benefit you in the future if you simply put in the work. If you’re finding it hard to invest in new tech then simply buy magazines, follow business trends and also make sure that you are networking too. This will help you to not only invest properly, but also make sure that you are actively choosing software and hardware that is going to compliment your business the most.


So running a business can be difficult, but if you are tech-focused, then this can help you to save time, energy and money in the future. If you do want to utilize tech more, however then you need to make sure that you are maintaining the tech that you have and you also need to make sure that you are hiring the right staff. If you do then your business will soon operate like a well-oiled machine, and you may even find that you end up raking in more profit as a result.

About Lola Mays

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