8 Reasons Teachers Should Use Technology as Learning Resources

Technology has incredibly transformed the learning environment more than ever before. It looks pretty different from what we can remember a decade ago.

As technology continues to advance, the remodeling and redefining of the classroom continue. The ultimate aim is to make it fit to suit the dynamic needs of modern digital teachers.

With the increase in remote learning, many educational institutions worldwide are substituting traditional learning resources with educational technologies to maintain their digital knowledge. Below are the 8 reasons teachers should use technology as a learning resource.

Source: Resilient Educator

1. Links the Students to Real World

Technology enables a geography teacher to virtually take the students to different geographical sites for a real learning experience. Similarly, history teachers can walk the students through past events and historical sites better than before.

In short, technology enables educators to break the physical and distance barriers of the classroom. Therefore, technology is of great benefit in the learning process as it provides students with an excellent way to link the curriculum to the real world.

2. Adds Various Learning Styles

In a typical classroom set-up, each learner is different in their own ways. In this case, it can be pretty tricky for a teacher to adjust their learning plan to suit every student’s needs.

Luckily, using technology in education allows the teachers to customize your lessons. So, the students can easily and comfortably choose their most preferred learning style depending on their capabilities.

This gives students a great power of understanding of the content taught. Besides that, the students can significantly benefit from such a tailored and customized experience in the future.

Source: eLearning Industry

3. Technology Offers Quick Access to More Knowledge

Using technology as a learning resource in the classroom offers the students a great way to access online learning materials instantly. The teacher guides the students on how to search for educational materials with utmost ease.

As a result, the students can easily find the information they need quickly and precisely. They can also learn a lot, including learning math with technology, which you can see here. E-books and online search engines are pretty handy and are replacing the use of the traditional bulk textbooks.

Rather than hiring personal tutors, students can use technological resources like educational videos to get one-on-one assistance. And the good thing is that this is possible anywhere and can take place anytime.

4. Creates a More Engaging Environment

Using technological devices like tablets or computers to teach a particular concept encourages the better active participation of the student in the learning process. This can be a challenging task when using traditional methods.

Some may consider technology a distraction, but it helps keep students active in the learning process. When incorporated into lessons, students find the subject more exciting.

They convert the traditionally dull courses or subjects into fun and more interactive activities. Teachers may also use different trusted online resources or apps to improve the traditional ways of teaching.

Moreover, using technology as a learning resource helps to improve the student’s knowledge retention. That’s because, once the students develop an interest in subjects or topics they study, the chances for retaining the knowledge acquired are higher.

Source: Inspiring learning

5. Promotes Collaboration

Most educational technologies provide a vast range of functionalities that promotes collaboration. For instance, Skype offers students a great way to hold remote meetings with classmates from all over the world.

Similarly, Google Drive makes it possible for the students to edit and share projects easily. Even when using the technologies in classrooms, teachers have noticed a remarkable increase in the frequency of students helping one another.

Many technology-oriented assignments tend to involve other aspects. As a result, there come a time or situation where the students may need to ask for assistance from the teacher or their peers.

Additionally, the teacher can easily form small groups of students to discuss concepts. Students with advanced skills in technology can also help other inexperienced peers.

6. Connects the Teacher with the Students

Using technology as a learning resource can help teachers create better relationships with their students and other colleagues. Most teachers tend to use the internet every week to gather rich and helpful material content that will engage the students.

Besides, incorporating technology in lesson plans makes your content delivery top-notch. It can also help the teacher expand their knowledge of the subject area, making a great difference in the classroom.

And that’s what learners desire, and you will find them respecting and feeling free to consult the teacher.

Source: Elmhurst University

7. Prepares Learners for the Future Workforce

To survive and succeed in the 21st-century job market, they need to know how to use some technological devices. Such tools include web pages, electronic calendars, electronic whiteboards, teleconferencing, and many more.

Using such technologies as learning resources prepares the students to work in a modern office in the future. A CompTIA study shows that using technology as a resource in a classroom setting can help them prepare for the future digital workforce.

8. Trains Learners to Be Responsible during Online

With lots of social media sites and platforms available, tons of students are already active digital citizens. By using technology in the classroom, students can easily learn how to become responsible individuals in the digital world.

In such a case, the classroom is a typical border of the digital landscape from which students can learn and practice communication skills. Besides, they can search, interact, and engage with other online users.

Source: Understood.org


Technological advancements and evolution in education are inevitable. So, it is vital to modify your classroom setting and style to suit the student’s needs.

Digital resources give every teacher a chance to try something new and make the whole learning process fun and successful. The learner’s thinking skills can also improve significantly.

Typically, there are other many reasons why educational teachers should use technology as learning resources in the classrooms. Unfortunately, not all educational institutions have similar opportunities.

Many countries have shown positive trends in integrating technology as a learning resource. But, even in those institutions with the technology, most students worldwide have not fully accessed the technology’s full menu.

About Lola Mays

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