
Dedicated Server – What Are Its Features?

Today, the vast majority of customers hosting providers – it is the owners of small Internet projects. Informational sites with low traffic, personal blogs, online business cards or sites of small companies do not require significant resources and the availability of a dedicated server. All they need can be given virtual hosting.

In this case, one server hosts dozens of accounts, each of which – from one to ten sites. Thus, one “machine” can manage a couple of hundred sites. Of course, sometimes it may cause some inconvenience, for example, in case of DDOS-attack on one of the sites, all located on the server becomes inaccessible. On the other hand, in such cases, the hosting provider solves the problem by itself, the only thing required from the client – a little wait.

Server rental – without restrictions and with minimal costs


A rented dedicated physical server is located in the data center. The customer gets a separate “machine” at his disposal to which only he and the data center specialists have access. There is a choice of equipment of different capacity. Moreover: The customer can remotely select the configuration according to his needs: amount of internal storage, RAM, processor power, etc.

In the case of failure of components, the organization undertakes their replacement or repair. The configuration can be changed at any time. In addition, the customer can install any operating system and software on the equipment, choose the protection and antivirus software, and do it on their own and at any convenient time. The administration is done remotely: the data center can be located in one city and the client can be located anywhere in the world. Of course, not everyone has knowledge in administering servers, in such cases, the provider can take on this responsibility.

By the way, some companies allow you to rent a server of any configuration and for any purpose, such as

Renting a dedicated server is fully justified, because its user has many advantages. First, it provides maximum stability and reliability of the deployed software. Due to the fact that the data is stored on a separate physical machine, you can completely save yourself from hours of downtime, as it happens when providers perform preventive maintenance.

Many users leave a resource because it opens with a delay, there are problems with the loading of information, individual pages in the directory. One of the key advantages of a dedicated server is the complete absence of such problems. With the right configuration of hardware and software can increase the speed of the resource, the confidence in it. This will have a positive impact on the growth of sales.

Availability of qualified personnel at the hoster ensures that the dedicated server will work without interruption. Particular attention should be paid to data protection from hacking. It is best to cope with the implementation of software and hardware advantages cope with an experienced specialist in this field.

The mechanism of the dedicated server

When renting a dedicated server, the customer gets a separate physical machine, which is located in a well-protected area, with around-the-clock staff, has a good fire protection system. A huge number of different servers are located in special racks. Specially trained staff makes sure that the equipment runs smoothly. Renting a server, you can, without the help of others to configure the server hardware to suit your needs. It will be possible to install any operating system, depending on personal preferences. In addition, you can choose the amount of RAM, processor and other parameters. Dedicated server is a place to store and process customer information. Important criteria for good hosting include its performance, technical reserve, modern facilities, contributing to the provision of quality hosting services.

Reasons for switching to a dedicated server


One of the reasons why the use of a dedicated server is considered necessary and justified is the security of the network. For example, in light of the special attention of computer criminals to a variety of databases, the latter can be placed on dedicated physical nodes. Such isolation is good for limiting the rights of access to a particular server by third parties.

One of the reasons why the use of a dedicated server is considered necessary and justified is the security of the network.

The next reason for using dedicated servers is to offload computer capacity.

“Fragmentation” of the content of large web servers and databases on separate hardware levels will provide redundancy and the ability to access the database during service work on one of the servers. Of course, such access can be performed at a convenient time and from anywhere in the world.

When do I need a dedicated server?

Virtual hosting is cheap and convenient, on the other hand, it has many limitations. For example, high attendance of one site or demanding to resources scripts reduce the performance of all sites located on the server.

A dedicated server is required in other cases:

  • large sites and portals
  • online games or other demanding software;
  • the organization of the corporate network;
  • storage of large amounts of information;
  • creation of their own cloud storage;
  • mail or SMS mailing;
  • important and confidential information.

This solution may also be required for owners of a large number of sites to create their own mail service, organization of a proxy server.

Who needs a dedicated server


Consider several options. Suppose that you are the owner of a steadily growing web resource. There comes a time when the traffic of visitors reaches the point where the transition to a dedicated server becomes mandatory. At that point, you are no longer dependent on the hosting organization. Your site will be located on your “iron”, which has its own processor core, RAM, disk space. You will not need to be adjacent to other sites and be in danger of related troubles.

Another standard headache – a disparate set of software on the computers of employees of the company. In this case, it is more reasonable to use a common resource with a guaranteed predictable capacity and necessary configuration. In this case, it is possible to maintain a single “software policy” for the team of developers and testers.

Finally, the speed and confidence in your business. Proper use of a dedicated server allows you to maximize the performance of the entire system. It becomes possible to rationally distribute the necessary load on the hardware capacities. And the permanent IP-address will give quite a clear signal to search engines: the site successfully operates, and this is one of the pluses on the way to leadership in search results.

There are also its own peculiarities: the management of a dedicated server requires a higher competence of IT-specialist. An insufficient level of his training will lead to a drop in performance and a decrease in overall software, hardware and information security.

About Lola Mays

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