Guide to Choosing Vacation Rental Software

Despite what many people think, managing an Airbnb rental business is hard work. Entrepreneurs have to perform dozens of tasks, such as filling out their booking calendars, leaving positive reviews to their guests, and many others. Thankfully, there are automation tools that make the lives of the hosts easier. This guide is devoted to sites like Benefits of Airbnb Management Software

The main advantage of management software is the time it saves. After setting it up, you won’t need to perform tons of actions every day. It also saves you from performing routine tasks like writing reviews. Modern software is so advanced that it is capable of automating the whole process, enabling you to earn passive income.

The second benefit of such software is its reliability. There will be no room for human error, which is very common in this business due to high levels of stress and the large number of tasks performed by the host. The software won’t forget to update the calendar or leave a review, guaranteeing your business a stable performance.

Another positive aspect of such tools is the range of features they provide. You will be impressed by how many tasks such programs may perform. We will elaborate on the features in the next section, so for now, let us just state that these programs may do almost everything you typically do manually.

The software is also highly customizable. It allows you to tweak dozens of parameters for every feature, enabling you to set it up exactly the way you want it. For example, with the Automatic Messages feature, you can not only configure the messages themselves but also tweak timings, set up several templates for messages, and make the system notify you when needed.

Surprisingly enough, the software is also user-friendly. Of course, you will need to spend some time figuring it out and getting used to it, but the automation apps provide you with all the necessary instructions. They also have clear and intuitive interfaces, which allows you to get along quickly.

Features of Airbnb Management Software


The list of features is individual for each software, so we will cover only the most popular ones in this section. Make sure they are available in your app before signing up. The features might seem complicated at first, so let us review them separately.

Automatic Messages

We have already mentioned the messaging feature, so let us start with it. This feature allows you to create chat templates, eliminating the need to start conversations manually. It is useful when you need to greet and provide the basic information to a person who has just booked your property. The software even allows you to set a delay between messages, making it possible to greet the person right after booking and provide them with the details only when they check-in.

Automatic Reviews

The apps are also capable of leaving positive reviews to your guests. You can create multiple templates of the reviews, and the app will shuffle them and post them for you. What is even better, you can set up a delay for the review posting. Thus, you will have some time after the guests check out, in case you decide to cancel the positive review and leave a negative one.

Automatic Pricing

Even though most hosts prefer adjusting the prices manually, the software can easily take over this task. You can “explain” your strategy to the application by setting up an algorithm that you follow when you adjust the prices on your own. This saves a lot of your time, as it eliminates the need to constantly monitor the booking calendar.

Calendar Filling


Speaking of calendars, the apps are also capable of synchronizing your calendars across multiple platforms. In case you use Airbnb and Booking, for example, the app will automatically update the Airbnb calendar when some dates are booked on Booking.

Automatic Tasks

Some programs are similar to CRM tools for businesses, as they allow you to interact with your colleagues. Thus, Airbnb management software allows you to add cleaners, managers, and other people to the system. What is even better, you will be able to create task templates and let the app post them automatically. For example, after the guest checks out, the cleaner will be assigned a task and notified.

Automatic Publishing


This feature makes it comfortable for you to follow your publishing strategy. It allows you to set up a publishing schedule according to which your listings will be posted. It is useful for cases when you prefer posting at night, for example. The app will do it for you, allowing you to stick with your sleeping routine.

What Should You Know?

There are still several things you should know about Airbnb management software before rushing to use it. As it is a beginner’s guide, some of the points in this section might seem obvious, but they might be easy to miss for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Choose the App You Need


There are lots of applications that automate your Airbnb routine. The choice of the app is crucial, so we recommend making a thoughtful decision here. The beginner tip here would be to determine the tasks you wish the app to perform and look for software with corresponding features. In case you only wish to automate the reviews, you won’t need a comprehensive app with tons of other features.

Choose the Plan Smartly

Similar to the previous point, choosing a plan is also an important step. Comprehensive applications usually offer several plans at different prices and with different packages of features. Make sure to check the features you need are available in the plan you’re about to purchase and ensure that you are not paying for many features you won’t need at all.

Check the Compatibility


This point is especially relevant for those who are publishing their listings on multiple platforms. Some applications are only compatible with Airbnb and don’t provide cross-platform features like calendar synchronization. If that’s the case for you, don’t forget to ensure the app supports all your platforms.

Try the Demos

The last tip we have for beginners is not to make the final choice right away. Even though it is time-consuming, we still recommend trying to set up several apps and compare the performance. Thankfully, most applications have free trial periods, allowing you to test them without investing any funds.

About Lola Mays

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