Money and money management is a sensitive topic for most people. We live in a time when all information is at our fingertips, we lead a fast life, and even the process of getting rich is easy to understand and we want it overnight. Then the idea of investing in long-term stocks sounds like the right choice to us, but have you ever really wondered what all the risks it entails?
We have to make a difference between money and capital in the beginning. Money is a means of payment, while capital is the investment of money with the expectation that additional income or profit will be generated in the future. One of the ways of potential earnings by investing is in shares on the stock exchange. However, every investment carries the risk of loss.
There has been time to think in recent months, so it has occurred to many to turn to buy stocks and thus try to make money. Before you start spending your saved money on buying stocks, you need to know what stocks are. Action is an investment. Shares are equity securities and by owning the shares we own a part of the company from which we bought the same.
To the average person, the stock market sounds like something unknown, distant and complicated, which leads us to ask ourselves questions such as: How to start? How much money to invest? How to trade stocks? What mistakes to avoid?
Many investors do not seem to understand how stock investing works. Although the stock market is uncertain, certain principles need to be followed to increase your chances of long-term success. If we are already entering the world of stock exchanges and stocks, we need to know which beginner’s mistakes to beware of. Let’s take this opportunity to clear up a couple of things you need to know before you get started.
Before investing, you should pay attention to the following things:

1. Collect enough data
To get into this business, you need to inform yourself and gain enough information about the risk it carries. To invest in stocks, it is necessary to have basic economic and financial knowledge. To successfully start investing in the stock market, you need to be familiar with how the stock market works and what are the social events that affect the growth or decline in stock prices. Our warm recommendation is to read business magazines and thus keep abreast of developments in the stock market.
2. Set an investment goal
Before you invest in stocks, you need to know what kind of investor you are. You need to have a realistic idea of your investment goals and the amount of risk you‘re willing to take. You know that investing in stocks is a real trend, but ask yourself if this is the only option you have? Is this the right way to invest capital according to your needs and income?

3. Create a personal financial framework
If you answered yes to the previous question, it means that you have resolutely started the “fight with the stock market”. Congratulations! The next step concerns your financial situation which you are willing to give up for the sake of future potential gain. Before you make any decision, sit down, take a sheet of paper and look at your financial position. Remember: There is no guarantee that you will make money from your investments!
4. Assess the risk
Stepping into the stock market, you have to be willing to take risks. When it comes to investing in stocks, the first thing you need to take into account as a pioneer is the level of risk you are willing to take. The stock market is unstable, especially in the short term. Fluctuations are unpredictable and frequent. Before investing, it is important to understand that you could lose some or all of your money. This type of investment is intended for people who are willing to bear a higher level of risk, who believe that they can control that risk and accordingly make a solid profit.

5. Choose your shopping time wisely
Study stock market movements. There are a lot of free portfolio managers on the internet, so take advantage of some of them. With the help of companies such as you can keep up with events and current events on the stock market.
6. Selection of stocks
Rule number 1: Never invest in the share itself, but the company!
The first stocks you intend to buy should be from the sector you know and understand best. Before you invest money in something, you should understand the business that the company is engaged in. Depending on your investment goals, the company you choose is also important. There is no one-size-fits-all company requirement, so dedicate more time to researching companies, their pros, and cons when it comes to long-term investments.

7. Be realistic in your expectations and profit
There is nothing wrong with hoping for the best, but problems can arise if your financial goals are based on unrealistic assumptions. Be realistic in your ambitions and goals – so you are less likely to lose money or be disappointed. This also applies to profits.
8. Always do your research
Do not blindly follow instructions. Many times you will hear from people who deal with the stock market that they bought a stock because the same was done by a friend or family member who understands the business. Accept everything with reserve. Do some research before buying a stock.

9. Choose a broker
Entering the stock exchange is a long and demanding process that involves some knowledge of the market and stock transactions. Creating results on the stock investing can be achieved only by cooperating with a broker. A very important item is to choose a brokerage house through which you can perform the transaction, whether it is a sale or purchase of shares. Brokers are specialized business entities for intermediation in stock trading, they are expected to be reliable in the field of investments.
10. Engagement of brokers
An indispensable segment when entering the stock market is choosing a brokerage house that will help you in the long run. You need to open a specific bank account that is exclusively related to investing in stocks. From your business partner, in this case, a brokerage house, you will receive detailed instructions regarding the bank you need to choose. It is important to emphasize this bank account should be separated from the regular foreign currency account.

11. The final thing is investing itself in Long Term Stocks
If you are one of the young, ambitious people and are preparing to enter the stock market, we hope that this text has helped you solve dilemmas related to long-term investments, forming astrategy, and choosing the right way to represent yourself on the stock market.
Follow the tips from the list above, do preliminary research, and accept the risks and you are ready to buy stocks!