Tag Archives: Tech

Tips for Choosing Insurance for Your Consulting Business

If you own a consulting business you probably know of all the most common issues and problems when it comes to your insurance options. No matter your specialty, all business consultants share a range of risks along with the many rewards. This is why you need to be protected and …

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6 Reasons Your Company Needs an IT Agency

In today’s world, technology seems to be running almost every aspect of our business. The digital move ensured that every company incorporates technology in the running of a business in different ways. Therefore, IT experts are continually becoming a priority in businesses. Companies are turning to IT consultants for functional …

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What is a Dedicated Server, and When Do You Need One?

Dedicated servers are servers computers that are dedicated to one customer. Each customer has full access to the server and all its resources, including storage space and network connectivity. Dedicated servers can be purchased as a stand-alone unit or as part of a full virtualized hosting service. Dedicated servers can …

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What Is KVM VPS And Its Benefits – 2024 Guide

Computers. We thought we were so advanced once those came around. We were. We are today. Later came the internet. Wasn’t theta a true revolution? It was. A technological one. When we combined the two we got ourselves a new era. The one we’re living at the moment. It brought …

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How Modern Technology Is Changing The Future Of Product Photography

Before you start reading this text – see how many photos you currently have on your phone. We are sure that the number will amaze you, but this phenomenon is one of the achievements of modern technology and its impact on photography and our lives. Modern technology has had a …

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8 Great Hobbies For People Who Love Tech

Do you know what the number one hobby in the United States is? While there are various things people like to do in their spare time, the most prevalent hobby is cooking and baking. Being all work and no play isn’t good for anyone’s health. Finding a good hobby or …

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Top 11 Features of Speech Analytics That Enable Business Success

Speech analytics is fast becoming a household name among top companies globally. So, if your company is yet to implement conversational analytics, you might be a few steps backwards in customer communication. The concept behind speech analytics is to use words and phrases from customer interaction to generate real-time and …

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