Tag Archives: Virtual reality

Latest Tech Trends for Businesses to Use in 2024

Now more than ever, businesses are making every effort to stay afloat and keep trading as usual. As technology advances and we adapt to new ways of working, business strategies will be set to change. So, it would be useful to know the latest tech trends to implement in your …

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Can VR Headsets Hurt Your Eyes?

In 2024, a calculable 521000000 U.S. folks slipped on headsets to immerse themselves in VR. Sadly, VR isn’t all fun and sport. Researchers say VR headsets will cause eye issues, though there’s no proof of long-run harm. “Virtual Reality is continually exploited and new technical schools and Apps square measure …

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Best VR Headsets Under 500 Rs In India 2024

VR Headsets are proof of how far has the technology come. If we were to tell you, for example, 15 years ago, that it’s going to be possible for you to step into the 3D world, that virtual reality is something that you can experience – you wouldn’t have believed …

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Best VR Headsets Under Rs 2000 in India 2024

Virtual reality used to be something that was considered to be a thing of the future, but not anymore. Today, it is possible for you to experience virtual reality using a headset. If you are looking for an incredible gaming experience, you should definitely consider buying a quality VR headset. …

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