Tag Archives: safe

Stay Connected to Your Home Anywhere, Anytime

From smartphones to now smart homes, we as a community are finally striving for the best options for our existence. However, the people who engage themselves in serving the community have become busier and have a workload that keeps them from focusing fully on their houses. The first modern smart …

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Can You Hack Into a Biometric Safe

We live in an age when safety and security matter more than ever. But, can we be 100% safe? It is hard to believe so. Due to the internet, data flow, cryptocurrencies, money, credit cards, and all the other assets we need to keep by our side, safety and security …

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How Do Online Auctions Work & Are They Safe?

While stores with fixed prices are the most common model these days, there are many places where you can bid for a product and try to get it through the auction. It is a popular model for products that have sentimental or historical value, like art, old wine, vintage cutlery, …

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